Lush Lily Bouquet
Lush Lily Bouquet
These large, elegant, white Lilies are a flower favorite. Each bloom exudes a heavenly fragrance that fills the air with its sweet aroma. These tall long-lasting trumpets create a stunning visual display that is sure to impress for weeks to come. Whether you're sending them as a gift or simply treating yourself, this bouquet is the perfect way to add a touch of luxury and beauty to any space.
Our florists use only the freshest and highest quality blooms, ensuring that your flowers will be both beautiful and long-lasting.
Please keep in mind that flowers are a natural product, and due to change in seasons and availability, what you receive may differ slightly from pictured. However, they will always be fresh and beautifully arranged and wrapped for you.
If you have any questions, want custom changes or need an urgent order, please feel free to contact us here.
Delivery Information
Delivery Information
Deliveries leave the shop at 11:30 and arrive by 2pm. Our deliveries go out on a special delivery with our courier driver, assuring care and safety on your gifts travels. All of our bouquets are wet wrapped to ensure they arrive at their destination with utmost freshness.
Same Day Deliveries
Same Day Deliveries
- For same day deliveries, your order must be pleased BEFORE 10:00am. Orders placed after this deadline will be delivered the following day.
- If you wish to have your order delivered the same day or at a specific time, call us on 09 522 7022 and we can organise a special delivery over the phone at an additional fee.